Johann Carl Emanuel von Ungern-Sternberg (1773-1830):
Ruins of Viljandi Castle 1829. Sepia, paper. 21.2 x 39.7 cm.
Estonian History Museum
AM_7603:2 G 1369:2

August Matthias Hagen (1794-1878):
The ruins of Vilandi Castle 1842. Watercolor, gouache, paper. 20.8 x 33.2 cm.
Estonian History Museum
AM_13687:40 G 6243

Gustav Mootse (1885-1957):
Gate of the Viljandi castle ruins, 1929. Watercolor, paper. 35×51.5 cm.
The Museum of Viljandi

Juhan Muks (1899-1983):
Lake Viljandi 1960s. Oil, plywood. 81 x 116 cm
The Library of Viljandi